Thursday, November 20, 2008

Zip Files

Below are zip files of all the ut3 components. The reason is that after testing, not all worked. There is doubling up of zip files just in case if things go wrong.

To the correct order to play on ut3.

1. Open ut3game_craiggullen
2. Then the demos for demos
3. Open 3190118_cg_published
4. Open cookedpc
5. Then maps, effects and packages

UT3 Maps

UT3 Effects

UT3 Packages/Particles

UT3 Published files

UT3 Game

UT3 Demos

Cooked PC

Sorry for the doubling up. Its best to be safe.

Finally it is complete and ready to be looked at.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Game Plan Troubles

Team met up again, and we tried it again without success. Yesterday/Saturday morning, we asked at least 10 people outside our group of 3 ahd a look, but failed to see the problems. The strangest thing is that we did exactly what other teams did and it still failed to work.

I reckon we cooked/published it at least 4 times, which worked fine. When we played it on a single computer it worked fine (apart from the particles not working all that well), but when on more then one, it failed to work. We tried to get help from others, they sugguested doing things we had done, but this too failed.

The team has no idea what the problem is and what caused it, and i hope that you can be able to work out the problems our team has had when networking on muiltiple computers.

Screen Shots

The Real Timers!

Within Task 3 of this experiment we were asked to execute a gaming world which derived all the attributes of an animated virtual world. Within this design we were asked to effectivley establish and produce three very important elements which are currently known in the gaming world; these included: Matinee, Particles and Kismat.
Using these elements and incorporating the base function of the task was an interesting excersise which lead to the wander of the imagination.

We decided to base our game upon 'Hide and Seek' and we tried to incorporate a theme of tagging to identify the winners from the losers. Within the theme of tagging we established a world of two teams. Once these teams were unleashed into our environment we wanted them to feel scared and wanted them to sense and feel hte excitement that was created by the game through there computer screens. Once the two teams are released they are on a mission to find the other team and destroy them. We did not really want to enchace shooting the opposite team so we created an environment with many sharp and false floors and high falls. We have a point system so once a player is eliminated they come back once all there team members are destroyed. This means that the team of the person left standing is classified as the winners for that particular round.

To create this atmoshpere we have incorporated many different technques of the three chosen elements, these include:

MATINEE: the movement and control of objects. Within our UT3 gaming environment Melissa incorporated many elements of matinee, these included:
- Circular Transporters
- Singular Lifts
- Exterior Viewing Points
- Automated Doors

PARTICLES: an extremely small constituents of matter, as an atom or nucleus. Within our UT3 gaming environment Craig incorporated many elements of particles, these included:
- Snow Storms
- Sand Storms
- Mist Within the Building
- Fog Outside the Building
- Waterfall Outside the Building
- Waterfall Mist Outside the Building
- Rain
- Lighting Dome

KISMET: the control of all additional elements within the Map. Kismet controls the functions of all the attributes within the Map. Within our UT3 gaming environment Danny incorporated many elements of matinee, these included:
- Hidden Triggers
- Light Systems
- Teleportaion Mobility

We feel we all learnt alot from this task, and we have understood all the elements involved in producing a Map for a gaming world.

UT3 Map

Here is our teams UT3 map. Some of the particles when played in ut3 don't work, but overall it seems to be working fine.

UT3 Map


Matinee Demo


Matinee Demonstration

Thursday, November 6, 2008

X Cactus Model in UT3

Draft Environment

Below are the three most effective elements of our draft environment, along with the file.

We ofund the entry chambers as a very effective part of our draft environment becuase it gives off a very competition vibe.

The lagoon was placed in the environment to represent an element of peace and serenity which is the total opposite of our gaming structure which is winning and destruction.

The teleporter is basically a device that circles the building and allows the player(s) to jump on or off any part of the building as they pass it or as ht eteleporter passes them. It was also another way to show the moving technique without using teleportation.



Saturday, November 1, 2008


Within the 3rd assessment task we were asked to form groups and choose one of the three selections as part of the task. My chosen selection was matinee, I completed the tutorials of matinee, and afterwoods I felt to confidence to expiriment. Below is my experimental video.